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전체 글159

[오픽답안] 축하, 모임, 축하행사나 모임에 대해서 설명하세요 Talk about celebrations or gatherings in South Korea. What do people usually do when people get together? Please be as specific as possible about the meeting or celebration 한국의 기념행사나 모임에 대해 이야기하세요. 사람들은 사람들이 모이면 보통 무엇을 하나요? 미팅 또는 축하에 대해 가능한 한 구체적으로 설명해 주십시오 In South Korea, there are many celebrations and gatherings that bring people together. One of the most important celebrations is the Lunar N.. 2023. 3. 13.
[오픽답안] 산업 일반(3) 불만족한 상품 경험 묘사 Describe a product or service that didn't meet your expectations in an industry or company you were interested in. 관심 있는 산업이나 회사에서 기대에 미치지 못한 제품이나 서비스에 대해 설명하십시오. A few years ago, I was really excited to buy a Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphone. I had heard so many good things about it, and I loved all of the features it offered. It was marketed as a high-end smartphone that could do so many thing.. 2023. 3. 11.
[오픽답안] 산업 일반 (2) 사람들이 커리어를 위해 하는 노력들 Describe the efforts people make for their careers. What efforts are there? Why do people make such an effort? 사람들이 그들의 직업을 위해 하는 노력을 묘사하세요. 어떤 노력이 있을까요? 왜 사람들은 그런 노력을 할까요? Well, people make a lot of different efforts when it comes to their careers. Some people spend years in school or training programs to gain the necessary skills and knowledge for their desired career path. Others work hard to.. 2023. 3. 11.
[오픽답안] 산업 일반(1) : 인기있는 회사와 이유, 요즘 젊은이들이 들어가고 싶어하는 기업들 묘사 Describe the companies or industries that people want to work in these days. What type of business are there? Why do people want to get into there these days? 요즘 사람들이 일하고 싶어하는 회사나 산업을 묘사하세요. 어떤 종류의 사업이 있습니까? 요즘 사람들은 왜 그곳에 들어가고 싶어할까요? One of the top IT companies that many young people want to work for these days is Google. There are several reasons why Google is a popular choice among job seekers.. 2023. 3. 11.
[오픽답안] 산업 과거 경험- 본인이 커리어를 위해 한 노력들 Describe the efforts you make for your careers. What efforts did you make in the past or do you make currently? 당신의 경력을 위해 당신이 하는 노력을 묘사하세요. 당신은 과거에 어떤 노력을 했습니까, 아니면 현재 어떤 노력을 하고 있습니까? As a job seeker, I have made significant efforts to advance my career and achieve my professional goals. I have pursued various opportunities to gain experience, knowledge, and skills that are valuable in my chose.. 2023. 3. 11.
[오픽답안] 병원 롤플레잉 - 예약에 문제가 생긴 경험 설명, Tell me about your experience of having a problem with an appointment at the hospital. 병원 예약에 문제가 있었던 경험을 말해주세요. I had an important appointment with a specialist at the hospital, but I missed it due to a family emergency. I was really worried that I wouldn't be able to reschedule the appointment and that my treatment would be delayed. So I called the hospital right away and explained the situati.. 2023. 3. 10.