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SNS addiction : gadget, hooked on, wean off, rat race

by 제미안 2024. 1. 13.

gadget: 소형 전자기기 ex. 스마트폰 등

A: "Hey, have you seen the latest kitchen gadget? It can peel and chop vegetables in seconds!"
B: "Really? That sounds like a handy gadget to have. It would definitely save me a lot of time when cooking."

In Korean, the word "gadget" can be translated as "가제트" or more commonly as "소형 전자기기" or "기기." It refers to a small mechanical or electronic device or tool, especially an ingenious or novel one.

be hooked on: 홀딱 빠지다. 중독되다

A: "I started watching this new TV series last week, and now I'm totally hooked on it."
B: "Oh, what's it about? I might get hooked on it too if it's that good."

The phrase "hooked on" means to become very interested in or enthusiastic about something, sometimes to the point of addiction. In Korean, "hooked on" can be translated as "빠지다," "중독되다," or more colloquially, "홀딱 빠지다," depending on the context.

For example:
- 그 드라마에 홀딱 빠졌어. (I'm totally hooked on that drama.)
- 나는 그 게임에 중독됐어. (I'm hooked on that game.)

wean off: 서서히 ~을 끊다 그만두다

A: "I'm trying to wean myself off coffee. I drink way too much."
B: "That's tough. How are you planning to do it?"
A: "I'll start by cutting down to one cup a day and then maybe switch to tea."

"Wean off" means to gradually reduce dependence on something, especially a drug or a bad habit. In Korean, "wean off" can be translated as "서서히 끊다" or "점차적으로 줄이다."

For example:
- 커피를 서서히 끊고 있어. (I'm gradually weaning myself off coffee.)
- 담배를 점차적으로 줄이려고 해. (I'm trying to wean off cigarettes.)

rat race : (비유적) 무한 경쟁

A: "Why do you look so exhausted?"
B: "I'm tired of this rat race, always chasing deadlines and promotions."

"Rat race" refers to a way of life in which people are caught up in a fiercely competitive struggle for wealth or power. In Korean, "rat race" can be translated as "쥐 경주" or more contextually as "무한 경쟁," which conveys the endless and often pointless competition.

For example:
- 도시의 쥐 경주에서 벗어나고 싶어요. (I want to get out of the rat race in the city.)
- 무한 경쟁의 사회에 지쳤어요. (I'm tired of the rat race in society.)

