오픽 '산업'관련 기출 문제 모음
산업 관련 기출문제
1. 일반적인 질문
요즘 젊은이들이 들어가고 싶어하는 기업들 묘사
Describe the companies or industries that people want to work in these days. What type of business are there? Why do people want to get into there these days?
사람들이 자신의 커리어를 위해 하는 노력들 묘사
Describe the efforts people make for their careers. What efforts are there? Why do people make such an effort?
방금 언급한 산업에서 잘 알려진 기업 묘사
Describe a well-known company in the industry you just mentioned. What are the characteristics of the company? Why do you think that company is so famous?
그 산업이 제공하는 혜택 묘사
Describe the benefits offered by that industry or company you just mentioned before. What types of benefits are there?
그 관심 업계에서 기대에 못 미친 상품, 서비스 묘사
Describe a product or service that didn't meet your expectations in an industry or company you were interested in.
2. 과거경험
본인커리어를 위해 한 노력들 묘사
Describe the efforts you make for your careers. What efforts did you make in the past or do you make currently?
3. 비교변화대조
본인이 관심 갖고 있는 업계 최근 근황, 3년전과 비교
Compare the current situation of the industry or company you are interested in with the situation three years ago
4. 롤플레잉
기술 산업에 관한 보고서를 쓰기 위해 친구에게 전화 질문
You want to write a technology industry report. Call your friend and ask three questions about the report.
친구를 만날 수 없게 되어 상황 설명, 대안 제시
I'm afraid there's problem you need to solve. You were supposed to meet your friend. But you have to work late at night, so you can't meet your friend. Call your friend and explain the situation, asking three or four questions.
최근 우리나라 유망 산업 분야
Please tell us about a promising business field in your country recently. Why do you think the business field is promising? Describe it as much detail as possible