오픽 (돌발) '날씨/미용실' 관련 기출 모음
우리나라 계절 묘사
Can you tell me about the seasons in your country? What is each season like? How is the weather in each season?
오늘 날씨 묘사
How is the weather today in your country? Tell me about today's weather briefly.
2. 과거경험
예상치 못한 날씨를 겪어본 본인의 경험 묘사
Describe your past experiences with unexpected weather. Tell me about the experienced when it occurred and all the details that you remembered about it.
날씨와 관련된 기억에 남는 과거 경험 묘사
Tell me about a memorable event that you either heard about or experience firsthand that was associated with weather in someway. Describe the event when it occurred and all the details that you remembered about it.
자주가는 미용실 묘사
You may go to a beauty salon or babara shop. Please give me a detail the count of the beauty salon or babara shop you frequently visit. What does it look like? How many staffs are there? Describe the beauty salon or babara shop in as much detail as possible.
미용실에 간 경험 묘사
Can you tell me how often you go to a beauty salon or barber shop? Where is it located and what does it look like? How are the people who work there? Is it expensive to get your hair done there?
최근에 간 미용실에 대한 경험 묘사
When did you go to salon most recently? I'd like to know about all the activities that happened at the beauty salon or babara shop at that time? Please tell me the whole story from the moment when you arrived at the moment that you left the place.