영어/오픽, 토익, 토스 시험

오픽 기출 '기술'관련 기출문제 모음

jemian 2022. 3. 11. 12:15


- YouTube


1. 일반
1) 본인이 가장 자주 사용하는 기술 묘사
What kind of technology did you usually use? What role did the technology play? Describe it as much detail as possible.
2)사람들이 주로 쓰는 기술 소개, 사람들이 보편적으로 사용하는 기술 묘사
There are some useful technological devices people use in their daily life. What kind of technology do people like to use these days?
3) 일반 주로 쓰는 기술 소개, 효과
Think of a project that you once worked on where technology made a big difference. Describe the project in detail. What kind of technology did you use? What role did the technology play?

2. 과거 경험
1) 기술을 어떻게 익히게 되었는 지 방법 묘사
Tell me everything you did from beginning to end to learn how to use that particular piece of technology. Who taught you to use it?
2) 과거 경험 처음으로 신제품에 대해 알게 된 본인 과거 경험 묘사
Describe your past experience of learning about a new technology for the first time. What was it, and why did you try it? Describe it as much detail as possible.

3. 비교변화대조
1) 특정 기술의 과거 현재 비교 I'd like to know some particular technologies that you used when you were a child. Are there any similarities or differences between the past and present? Give me as many details as possible.

4. 롤플레잉
1) 정보얻기 : 제품 구매 정보 얻기
You want to buy smartphone, furniture, laptop or etc. Call the store and ask three or four questions about the features that you want to know.
2) 상황 설명 후 대안제시 : 구매한 제품에 문제가 생긴상황, 전화로 대안 제시
You've realized that there are some problems with the products you bought. Call the store and leave the message explaining the situation and suggesting two or three alternatives.
3) 과거 문제 경험 전화기 사용 중 겪었던 문제점 설명
Tell me about a past experience that you had a problem with a smartphone when you used it. What was the cause of that problem? How did you solve the problem?  

1. 일반
- 우리나라 사람들 혹은 본인이 자주 이용하는 교통 수단 묘사
Please tell me about the public transportation system in your country in as much detail as possible.
2. 과거 경험
- 어렸을 때의 사람들의 교통 수단 묘사
Describe public transportations that people usually used when you were a kid. What are they? How did you feel of that at that time? Give me as many details as possible.
- 교통편 사용 중 본인이 겪은 문제 설명
Tell me about the problem that you went through while using a public transportation. Maybe, was is delayed than you expected? Or anything, give me as many details as possible.

-정보얻기: 친구가 찾은 웹사이트에 대해 친구에게 전화로 질문
Imagine the situation you're looking for some Websites you need now. But, one of your friends already found that website. Call your friend and ask three or four questions about the Website you want.
-상황 설명 후 대안제시 웹 브라우저에 문제 발생, 인터넷 서비스 센터에 전화해서 도움 요청
I'm sorry there's a problem you need to solve. Some kind of problems occurs while you're using the Website. Call the Internet service center and ask three or four questions to solve that problem.
- 최근 이슈 인터넷 관련 사람들의 우려 설명
Describe some kind of concerns in your country involved Internet. Are there any addtiction problems or something like that? Give me as many details as you can.

1) 정보얻기 휴대전화 대리점에 신규 휴대전화 구매 문의
You want to buy a new cellphone. Call the store and ask three or four questions about the features you want.
2) 상황 설명 후 대안제시 구매한 휴대전화가 마음에 들지 않음, 교환 요청
You've realized that there are some problems with the products you bought. You want to exchange it. Call the store and leave the message explaining the situation and suggesting two or three alternatives.
3) 과거 문제 경험 본인이 전화기 사용 중 겪었던 문제 설명
Tell me about a past experience that you had a problem with a smartphone when you used it. What was the cause of that problem? How did you solve the problem?
4) 최근 이슈 젊은이들의 휴대전화 과다 사용으로 인한 부작용, 사람들이 언급하는 휴대전화 사용 문제
Describe a recent event or any news in your country that involved a smartphone. Are there any problem issues people mention about using mobile phones such as side effects of overuse of smartphones? Please tell me about it as much details as possible.
