오픽 돌발 '건강'관련 기출문제
돌발 문제 건강관련 기출 모음 9문제
1. 일반
1) 건강한 사람들이 하는 일
Let's talk about healthy people. What do healthy people do? Where do they go in order to maintain their health?
2) 본인이 아는 건강한 사람 습관 묘사
Describe the habits of healthy people around you. Tell me about what they do, what kind of food they usually eat, and how they maintain their health. Give me as many details as possible.
2. 과거 경험 - 본인이 건강을 위해 시도한 새로운 것
I'd like to know about something you tried to be healthy in the past. What was it, and why did you try it? How did it make you healthy? Do you think it was helpful for your health? Describe it as many details as possible.
3. 비교변화대조
1) 본인의 과거 식습관이나 운동에 큰 변화를 준 것
Have there been any changes in your eating habits or exercise when you were young? Are there any differences in eating habits or exercise between the past and present? What are they? Give me as many details as possible.
2) 건강에 대한 세대간 인식과 운동법, 과거 현재 비교
Are there differences in perceptions of health among generations? How has your perception of health changed over the past? Is there any change in excercising between past and present?
3) 본인이 다녔던 헬스클럽 과거와 현재 비교
I'd like to know the gym or fitness center you went to when you were a child. Are there any similarities or differences between the past and present? Give me as many details as possible.
4. 롤플레잉
1). 정보얻기- 영양사에게 식습관 관련 개선 프로그램에 대해 전화로 질문
You want to know eating habits improvement program. Call the nutritionist who is in charge of the program and ask three or four questions about it.
2). 상황설명 후 대안제시 후 대안제시 - 야근해야해서 영양사와 만남 일정 전화로 변경 요청, 대안 제시
I'm afraid there's a situation you need to solve. You are supposed to meet the nutritionist at evening, but you have to work late at night. Call the nutritionist, explain your current situation giving two or three alternatives.
3). 건강에 대한 최근 이슈
Describe a recent event or any news in your area that involved health issues. Perhaps, something happened in the food or medical industries. Please tell me about it as much detail as possible.
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